Authentically Imperfect


Experiencing Impostor Phenomenon While Living Authentically

Exhausted from being on Defense

Exhausted from being on Defense

Do you ever feel exhausted or drained from having to defend your actions and choices from everyone else all the time?  Or is it just me?  Instead of feeling good and confident about my choices, I feel I have to be ready to defend my...

Accomplishments? Who’s? Not mine…

Accomplishments? Who’s? Not mine…

Ugh, do we have to talk about accomplishments and achievements??  They aren’t that big of a deal.  Anyone could have done it and done better.  Sound familiar to you?   When we experience Imposter Syndrome often work to avoid...

Imposter Syndrome over a Rental Car…Seriously!

Imposter Syndrome over a Rental Car…Seriously!

Imposter syndrome doesn’t have to affect your thoughts and emotions through something big, such as a job, or life decision.  Hell, no!  You can experience it in something as simple and small through just renting a car.  Yep, you read that right.  Just renting a...

My Featured Publications

Brainz Mag: Impostor Syndrome and the Harm of Fake it Till You Make it and 8 Tips that Help You be Authentic

by Victor Mosconi



Brainz Mag: 7 Strategies to Reduce Overthinking

by Victor Mosconi



Brainz Mag: 7 Strategies for Growth Mindset

by Victor Mosconi



Brainz Mag: 5 Strategies to Overcome Perfectionism

by Victor Mosconi



Voices in Academia: A Friend in Failure Article

by Victor Mosconi



Addicted to Success: 5 Self-Appreciation Strategies to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

by Victor Mosconi



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